Digital Sovereignty in Education
Twenty-three school districts in New Mexico sued the state for unequal access to education and won, and we are working alongside other organizations to provide access and create a fertile learning environment where teachers, students, and family members can work together to achieve their learning goals.
We are excited to partner with NextREADY to expand Community Resilience
through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
On its own, NextREADY provides evidence-based certifications of performance mastery on skill sets required for success in the New Economy as entrepreneurs, interns, apprentices, employees, and entry-level positions. More importantly, it measures these key competencies in “real world” contexts. In other words, it gives learners (“candidates”) a way to provide evidence of three highly-valued competencies, supporting claims that they have learned how to learn, can plan and manage their work, and know how to make high-quality products and work on teams.
Together, we are working with leaders in New Mexico to develop a Community of Practice that will create the opportunity for more equitable online learning and deeper connections between teachers, students, and their families. We will:

- co-generate a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment in which learners of all ages and facilitators collaborate to problem-solve challenges and complete projects
- discover insights related to work-based learning, as it will naturally develop the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills needed for problem-solving: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking/Innovation, Self-Direction, Using Technology for Learning, and Making Local and Global Connections
- have the opportunity to play and learn with learning software and other tools to support connection and learning
- discover how best to meet the demand for technology in remote areas in order to bolster learning from home through datacasting receivers
If you care about community-based, family-focused programs and projects,
contact us about bringing your unique experience and expertise to this project.